Seniors Ministry at Philadelphia Church

The Seniors Ministry has a rich tradition of being a vital part of our community and church. We honor and value our seniors, and strive to provide a variety of unique opportunities for all who are ages 50+.

Senior Luncheon: A Community Event

The next Senior Luncheon is a Christmas celebration and white "elephant" gift exchange!
Tuesday, December 17, at 12;30 p.m. in the Lower Auditorium.
Speaker: Brian Greutman
Don't forget to bring a "White Elephant" Gift! 

Senior Luncheons are the third Tuesday of every month, except July and August.

You're Welcome!

  • Connect and make friends with other seniors and feel welcomed into our community family

Partners & Resources

  • Learn about community partners and resources with specific offerings for seniors


  • Receive friendship and encouragement in your golden years
  • Discover PC’s monthly social and community activities
  • Attend educational classes and weekly prayer meetings 

Connect with the Community

  • Hear about opportunities to volunteer and make a difference
  • If you desire, speak with one of our pastors about developing a deeper connection with Christ