A nurturing and spiritual environment for kids to play and learn!

“Train the children in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Our Mission

At Little Feats we are committed to creating an environment that is stimulating and nurturing to each child.

Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that encourages the development of each child socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

We will draw from the following curriculum areas:

- Art
- Science
- Music
- Language Arts
- Drama
- Large Motor Skills
- Math Games
- Fine Motor Skills
- Bible Stories

We recognize that God created each child to be unique and special; therefore, we will provide a learning environment free of discrimination.

It is our mission to develop in each child a curiosity about the world they live in, and become a lifelong learner.

Our Program

Little Feats Preschool programs have been created to help parents teach their child in an important time of his/her life.

Our goals: To provide a rich environment in which to learn and provide the child with instructional and creative equipment and teach him/her to utilize and care for it.

- Install confidence and satisfaction in having success in doing activities at his/her own speed and ability, and inspire him/her to the next challenge.

- To offer a positive basis for future learning - in number concepts, science, reading readiness, music, listening, and following directions.

- To aid parents in dealing with any challenges their child may have in speech, behavior or understanding.

Calendar & Tuition

We follow the Seattle School District's calendar. The school will be closed on the following days:

- Thanksgiving Day Break
- Christmas Vacation
- Martin Luther King Day
- Presidents Day
- Winter Break
- Spring Vacation
- Memorial Day

Tuition payment is due upon the first day of school and then the first of each month. Fees are available upon request.
Little Feats Preschool
7704 24TH AVE NW
Seattle, WA 98117

(206) 782-0588

More about Little Feats Preschool ...


Early enrollment is recommended. Open enrollment for new students for Fall 2025 begins January 23, 2025. We invite you to attend our annual Open House on Thursday, January 23, 2025, from 6-7:30 p.m. for prospective families and visit our wonderful Preschool. Visits are available by appointment. For further information, please call Preschool Director Monica Oliver at 206-782.-0588.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.