The Pure in Heart Will See God
So many followers of Christ want to see prayers answered and miracles happen in and through their lives. Often we pray for things like healing or reconciliation and pray that it would even happen on our timeline.
But, we must remember that God isn't as interested in our circumstances as much as He is in our character. In other words, God doesn't just want to have a relationship where He is just answering or responding to our many requests. None of us would want that type of relationship in our interactions with others either.
Matthew 5:8 tells us that we will SEE God if our hearts are pure. Meaning we have to become more and more like Christ. When we become more like Christ in our character I believe we will see the natural outflow of miracles and answers to our prayers.
To be like Christ we have to do everything out of love. Christ came not to be served but to serve. He did everything out of love.
"This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you."
John 15:12
In a time where purity has lost its popularity let us go against the tide and strive for purity, righteousness and learning how to Love like Jesus did. People are looking for answers and Jesus is the answer.
Colossians 1:27 is a great reminder to all who profess faith in Jesus.
"To them God has chosen to make known among the gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is CHRIST IN YOU, the HOPE OF GLORY."
Let us become more and more like Christ and may we build His kingdom by showing love in all we do while becoming more and more like Christ. Let us strive to have pure hearts rather than just getting our prayers answered, and in doing so we will know the mind of God and see Him and His power in all its fullness.
Pastor Derek Forseth